Company Civil Officers
- President – Ed Godoy, Jr.
- Vice President – Brian McDaniel
- Rec. Secretary – Shelby Gonzalez
- Treasurer – Peggy Lockwood
- Sgt. at Arms – Pedro Diaz
- Kevin Stewart
- Tom Godoy
- Tom Lopez
- Milton Smith
- Rob O’Keeffe
Ladies Auxilliary
- President – Lisa McDaniel
- Vice President – Johanna Kiernan
- Secretary – Tanny Diaz
- Treasurer – Debbie Walsh
- Chaplin – Jeanne Goetz
Mountain Lodge Park Fire Company
- 361 Mt. Lodge Rd.
Monroe, NY 10950 - Non Emergency – 845-496-6595
Life Members
- Paul Casson
- John Paul Hesse
- Rob O’Keeffe
- Steve Kaiser
- Ed Godoy Jr.
- John Hesse
- Milton Smith
Mountain Lodge Park Fire Company History
We all must agree that there is a lot of work in any effort to establish a Fire Company. So, let us go back eleven years before the Mountain Lodge Park Fire Co., was incorporated, in order to better realize what these efforts entailed.
In 1941 the formation and roots of the Mountain Lodge Park Fire Company began as the Salvage Police. This was accredit to a handful of men who sat down on a Sunday afternoon long ago and discussed the problems confronting them should there be a fire in one of the homes or the woods that surround this growing community of mostly summer homes in Mountain Lodge Park and its need for a fire company. The results of that meeting were the formation of a group of twelve original members that later selected officers to represent them to Salisbury Mills Fire Company, as well as the forming of the first volunteers of Salvage Police, whose primary purpose was to assist the Salisbury Mills Fire Company. In 1943 the fire company purchased its first truck. In response to calls, each man would use his own car to transport himself where needed, often times in trails too narrow for cars to pass each other. This problem was solved when they purchased a truck for Salvage Police use. Solely the then volunteer fireman donated the cost of this truck.
In 1948 the construction of ground floor of Firehouse began which today is one half of the firehouse. Here was the home of the Salvage Police truck and a place for the men to hold meetings. In 1950 the Mountain Lodge Park Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary was created to help the men, which proved a very valuable asset to the firemen. Under the leadership of its first elected president, Mrs. Charles Schaffer and the original fifteen charter members they planned fund-raisers and card parties that were able to start a treasury, which in the following years grew through their untiring efforts, enabling the auxiliary to accomplish many great things for the fire company. The long hours and hard work preformed by the Auxiliary during past forest fires alone would require a volume of words to tell. In 1951 construction on an extension of the firehouse was completed bringing the building to the present housing capacity of three trucks.
In 1952 the Mountain Lodge Park Fire Company requested to become officially incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, the incorporation was granted in October. Officially the Fire Company became the Mountain Lodge Park Fire Co., Inc. and became a part of the Salisbury Mills Fire District. This is perhaps the most important event in the life of the Fire Company. As a result of an inspection by the Board of Fire Underwriters, which showed an adequate alarm system, satisfactory equipment and better fire protection, the application for reduced fire insurance rates in our fire district was granted. Additional renovations came to the firehouse in 1953 when the upper floor and rear addition. The fall of 53’ saw the start of work on the upper floor and rear addition to the firehouse and work was completed in 1954. The firemen who gave of their time and physical efforts unstintingly and with much sacrifice preformed all manual labor. Also in this year, the Ladies Auxiliary was instrumental in completely equipping the beautiful kitchen we have, so widely admired by all of the community who have attended our Open House affairs. In 1954 by unanimous vote, the civic-minded taxpayers of our district voted in favor of purchasing a new fire truck for the fire company. During the August 1955 open house, the firemen and the people of the community greeted the arrival of the new Ford- La France Tank Fire Truck enthusiastically.
The fire company to further improve its efficiency purchased an additional piece of equipment in 1957. This was a four-wheel drive emergency truck on which all portable equipment is carried. The equipment as of 1957 included a total carrying capacity of the trucks is 2,000 gallons of water, along with 800 feet of 1 ½ inch hose, 200 feet of high pressure hose, plus various nozzles including the latest if fog nozzles. Also carried on the trucks are two self-contained gas masks, one Neolator – a life-saving device, portable generator, portable pump, hose jumpers, chimney sweep, fourteen Indian Tanks and rakes & hoes for brush or forest fires. During the 1960’s the firehouse was expanded by the addition of two more truck bays. The Taxpayers of our district voted in favor of purchasing a new engine which was a 1,000 gallon pumper with the capacity to hold 1,000 gallons of water, thus bringing the number of trucks to four.
In 1971 the Taxpayers approved the purchase of a 1971 tanker, which carried 1,500 gallons of water with a 250-gpm pump. Also, as part of its efficiency, a 1,500-gallon portable tank was carried on this truck. In 1972 Chief Henry Rolufs after having served 20 years as Chief decided to step down and hoped someone would take over the responsibility. Chief Rolufs served the company well for many years and now is a Life Member.
In 1973 Assistant Chief Tommie McDuffie was voted in to replace Chief Rolufs and the fire company purchased two radios, which were placed in the chief and assistant chief’s cars. Both fire companies were also set up with improved alert systems – plectrons and base stations. In 1975 another step to improve communications and fire reporting system, the Mountain Lodge Park Fire Company joined the Mutual Aid Central Headquarters hook-up. There were forty-three active members of the fire company and five members of the fire police. The Ladies Auxiliary consisted of 35 members.
On July 12, 1976 the Mountain Lodge Fire Company received a truck from the New York State Office of Civil Defense of Orange County, it was a military type vehicle. This truck is to be used as an emergency vehicle, fighting forest fires, rescue and natural disaster conditions, as well as to carry portable equipment. Emergency equipment and pumping system have been updated for safer operation on the Emergency and Brush Truck. The number of trucks now in service is five.